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I’ve been buying, selling, restoring, and showing motorcycles for years, and I have been incredibly fortunate to have exceptionally talented friends who have taught me many aspects of restoration, showing, and motorcycle mechanics.  I treasure the relationships I have with these restorers, racing legends, and collectors and the amazing knowledge they continue to pass along.  I'm also a managing partner at an investment firm where I analyze companies and co-direct investment strategies.  My background in investing turned into a passion for determining valuations for collectible motorcycles. Over the years, I’ve bought and sold motorcycles at auction, online, and scrounged parts for restorations from all over the world.  My personal focus is rare motorcycles restored to factory condition.  I like seeing a bike that's been restored to the way it would have appeared in a dealership and recreating that feeling you got back in the day when you saw one of the classic bikes new for the first time.  


Every purchase and sale I've made have left me thinking, “There must be a better way.”  One day, while at an auction with friends, one of those ‘dah’ moments presented itself, and I set about creating Motonexus.


No auction, live or online, can be all things to everyone, but there seemed to be some critical gaps I thought needed filling to make buying and selling online a better experience.  As Motonexus launches in 2022, I don't think the platform is perfect, it's good but not perfect.  Motonexus will never be perfect because I'll always be looking for ways to keep improving the platform for everyone who uses the site. Maybe one or more of these issues reminds you of your previous experience buying and selling online or at an auction.


  • Have you submitted a motorcycle to an auction site only to be rejected by some unknown standard? 

  • Have you sold a motorcycle online, only to be ghosted by the buyer? 

  • After being ghosted by a buyer, did you pay more fees to relist? 

  • Did buyers offer less money when you relisted?

  • At a live auction, were you able to start the bike or see a video of the bike running? 

  • Have you bought a motorcycle at auction only to learn later that it doesn’t run?

  • Was your motorcycle auction advertised online?

  • Did the auction or online site do anything to promote your auction to a targeted crowd?

  • Do you have an extensive collection and need someone to handle the process of evaluating, preparing, photographing, and listing the collection for sale?

  • Maybe you’re not ready to sell, but you need to have a large collection evaluated just to understand what you have, what it might be worth, and what would be required to get it all auctioned without having to endure a hard-sell sales pitch.


I thought there was a better way to reduce or eliminate these and many more aggravating problems that almost everyone has experienced.  My desire for a better way became, where motorcycle buyers and sellers meet.


Please create a free account and join our community of buyers, sellers, restorers, collectors, and enthusiasts.  We would be honored to have you as a customer.


Clay Baker

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