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Last Updated: November 1, 2022


At Motonexus, you're in control of your auction.  

We list your bike fast so you can get interested parties to make their best offer.  

No more negotiating in the driveway or taking lowball offers.  

Never negotiate; let buyers compete for your bike.  


No Seller Listing Fees

Free "What's It Worth" Valuation Report

Your Vehicle Displayed on Our Home Page

Your Vehicle Displayed in Our Advertising

Personalized Category for Significant Collections

Go Live in Minutes/Hours, not Weeks/Months

Low Buyer's Fee

No Minimum Buyer's Fee

Reserve Prices Don't Upset Us

Write Your Own Description or Ask Us To Help


No Seller Listing Fees  

Your standard listing is free.  


When you submit an item, you will see two optional features, Make this ad Premium and Highlight this ad.  You are not required to select either of these features to place an item for auction.


Free "What's It Worth" Valuation Report

Wondering what your vehicle is worth or how much to set your reserve price at?  Our free valuation report can help set expectations and guide your thinking on a reserve price.  Valuation reports are available free of charge to all registered users. Motonexus will search major auctions, online sales, and industry-leading valuation reports to provide you with a Low, Average, and High price.  Condition is the most important factor in valuations.  Simply send us a collection of photos and tell us what you know about the condition of your vehicle.  We'll do the rest!


Send photos and info to

(type Valuation Request in subject line)


Your Vehicle Displayed on Our Home Page

The Motonexus home page is a slide show of customer vehicles.  When you start a new auction, we'll put your best photo into the home page slide show.


Your Vehicle Displayed in Our Advertising

Motonexus runs continuous advertising on Facebook and other digital ad platforms.  Every ad features a vehicle photo.  When your auction starts, Motonexus will include your best photo in our digital advertising.  Facebook, Google, and others place ads where they are most relevant, so we tag our ads to promote your auction to the right groups.


Personalized Category for Significant Collections

Motonexus categories enable buyers to find specific vehicles quickly.  If you have a significant collection, we'll create a category just for your auctions.  Let's say John Smith has 20 motorcycles to auction.  Motonexus will create the "John Smith Collection" category so buyers can isolate their view to just the John Smith auction.   


Go Live in Minutes/Hours, not Weeks/Months

Motonexus doesn't decide when to auction your vehicle; that's up to you.  You know when you're ready to sell, our job is to get you online and advertised as soon as possible.  We'll review your auction, make or request any necessary changes, and get it live as quickly as possible.


Low Buyer's Fee

Motonexus charges a buyer's premium fee to the Winning Bidder for using the Motonexus Digital Service.  Our 5% fee is significantly lower than most live auction houses that charge 10% and more.  Low fees help sellers get the best price for their vehicles.


Buyer's Premium Fees

  • 5% calculated from the highest winning bid


Final winning bid = $1,000

Buyer's Premium = 5% ($50)

Total cost to Winning Bidder = $1,050

(example above excludes any applicable sales or use taxes, transportation and other costs involved in completing the transfer of the auction item)​

We do NOT tack on an additional fee to cover credit card processing.


No Minimum Buyer's Fee

Most auctions have a minimum buyer's premium fee so that if the vehicle sells for a low price, the auction house still collects a minimum fee. Motonexus charges 7% to the winning bidder regardless of the sale price.  We do this to encourage bidding.


Reserve Prices Don't Upset Us

Some auction sites reject vehicles because the seller asked for a reserve or set a reserve price that the auction site thought was too high.  No reserve auctions are great for the auction site because it guarantees their fees.  We think reserve prices are something that the seller should control.  Our free valuation report may include a recommendation on setting a reserve price, but we will not reject an auction because the seller included a reserve price.  


Write Your Own Description or Ask Us To Help

Other auction sites and live auctions write the vehicle description for you.  Often the description leaves out something the seller thought was important or includes flowery language that the seller isn't comfortable with.  Worst of all, as a seller, you're waiting weeks or even months for your vehicle to get listed.  In an ever-changing marketplace, we think it's important to get your vehicle listed as quickly as possible.  We're always here to help.  If you don't feel comfortable or have the time to write a description, a Motonexus expert is always here for you.  Once you submit a vehicle, we'll be able to edit your listing before it goes live.  Together we can craft the perfect description for your vehicle.


Auction Length

We run seven-day auctions, and on occasion ten-day auctions.



Get Started

Your first step is to register to sell and bid.  Click the Get Started button below to register for free.  After registration, you can submit an item by clicking the SUBMIT AN ITEM button.


If you don't want to navigate the site on your own, click the GREEN appointment button at the top of the page to have a brief call with a Motonexus expert.  We'll get you registered, complete the listing form, write the description, and launch your auction in record time.

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